Seeni Sambol


500g onions cut into wedges.
2-3 green chillies.
½ tsp mustard seeds.
Few curry leaves.
1 tsp salt.
¼ tsp turmeric powder.
½ - 1 tsp flaked chillie or chillie powder.
¾ - 1 tbsp thick tamarind pulp.
2 – 3 tbsp sugar.
2 tbsp oil.


Put oil to a pan and heat. 
Add the mustard seeds and allow it to pop. 
Add the green chillies and the curry leaves and stir for a few minutes. 
Add the onions and the salt and keep on frying for about 10 minutes.

Once its half done add the turmeric powder and cook for 5 minutes. 

Add the flaked chillies and the tamarind pulp and cook for 7-8 minutes.

Add the sugar and cook till done for 5-7 minutes. 

Serve with bread, roti, string hoppers or hoppers.