Sesame Balls


250 gms   Gur(Jaggery)

250 gms   Til seeds (Sesame seeds), washed and dried.

1tbs water

Oil for greasing


Step – 1

Keep a pan on flame. Add til  seeds and heat till it starts crackling. Now keep it aside.

Step – 2

Keep a pan on flame. Add gur and water and heat till gur melts. Keep heating till it passes the test mentioned in step – 3.

Step – 3

Test: Take one drop of molten gur and keep it between thumb and index finger. As the fingers are separated it should form one fibre/ filament.

Step – 4

Add Til seeds to the molten gur and mix well. Switch off the flame.

Step – 5

Grease the palms and take small quantity of the batter prepared in step – 4 and roll it into small ball. Your ladoo is ready. Likewise prepare ladoos from the complete batter quickly when it is warm else it will set on cooling.

These ladoos can be stored for over a month. Serve them as and when you feel like.