Surfboard and Wave Cookies

Surfboard and Wave Decorated Cookies - by Glorious Treats

Wave Cookies Tutorial - by Glorious Treats

Directions as pictured above…
1.  Use a food color marker (such as Foodoodler) in a light color (I used yellow) to draw a wave shape (I just eyeballed it, but feel free to make a paper template if you like).
2.  Start with the blue icing and fill in a section of the wave (as shown), leaving  a jagged edge where the next color will meet up.
3.  Fill in with the blue-turquoise icing, again, leaving a jagged edge (as shown).
4.  Fill in the top of the wave with white icing.
5.  Drag a toothpick from the blue section all the way to the white, then repeat several times (without cleaning off the toothpick).  Blend the colors as much as desired.
To complete cookie, sprinkle some white non-pareils sprinkles mostly onto the white section (while the icing is still wet).