Mango Moose


5 eggs separated 
150g fine sugar 
1tsp vanilla 
½ small tin condensed milk 
100 ml water 
1½ tbsp gelatin mixed with 1/8 cup water 
50ml- 75ml mango flavoring or mango juice 
Yellow colouring 
250g whipping cream 


Beat egg yolks and half of the sugar till creamy. 
Beat the condensed milk and water. 
Add vanilla and beat. 
Double boil the gelatin. 
Add to the milk mixture. 
Beat the egg whites till stiff. 
Add the remaining sugar little by little and beat. 
Whip the cream separately. 
Add the cream to the egg white mixture and mix. 
Add this to the milk mixture. 
Add the flavouring and yellow coloring 
Allow to set in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. 
Decorate with mango slices and cream or with nuts. 

Note: without adding mango flavouring you can add mango pulp blended with ½ tsp lime juice.