Coconut Truffles

vegan, diary free coconut truffles recipe by the petite cook 
Prep time-:20 mins
Cook time-:5 mins
Total time -:25 mins


    6oz/180g white chocolate ( use dairy free if necessary)
    ½ cup coconut milk cream
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    ½ +1 cup coconut flakes
    ½ cup almond flour
    1 cup roasted whole peeled hazelnuts


    Melt chocolate over bain marie at low heat. Stir continuously until the chocolate is almost melted.
    Remove from the heat and pour into a bowl, add ½ cup of coconut flakes, vanilla extract, almond flour and coconut milk cream.
    Mix well until combined, if too runny add coconut flakes until you have a medium-set mixture.
    Put in the freezer for 10 min until set.
    Divide the mixture and roll into small balls, adding a hazelnut inside.
    Pour remaining coconut flakes onto a plate.
    Roll each ball into coconut and refrigerate until set, about 1 h.
    Store in the fridge until ready to serve. Enjoy!