Chicken and Leek Puff Pastry

Chicken and Leek Puff Pastry


For 8 people

3 chicken breasts (about 300 g) 
3 leeks 
1/2 cup (15 cl) of cream 
1 roll of puff pastry 
1 egg yolk and a little milk 
Seeds (poppy, flax, sesame …) 
Salt, pepper, olive oil, 
butter 1 small glass of white wine


Finely chop the leeks, wash with water and drain. 
Cut chicken breasts into small cubes. 
Fry in a little olive oil until golden brown. 
Salt and pepper then book. 
Fry the leeks in a little olive oil and a good knob of butter, stirring occasionally. 
Salt and pepper. When tender, add the chicken and white wine and cream. 
Simmer over low heat until liquid has evaporated. 
Allow to cool. 

Preheat the oven at 360°F (180°C.)

Braided Puff Pastry Recipe - Chicken and Leeks Braided Puff Pastry - How to Braid Puff Pastry

 Roll out the pastry on a sheet of parchment paper, which is itself placed on a baking sheet. 
Cut fringes on the two sides leaving a band of about 4 inches (10 cm) in the center. 

Braided Puff Pastry Recipe - Chicken and Leeks Braided Puff Pastry - How to Braid Puff Pastry

Lay the filling made of leeks and chicken. 

Braided Puff Pastry Recipe - Chicken and Leeks Braided Puff Pastry - How to Braid Puff Pastry

Cover dough with fringes, alternating right and left sides having them overlapping. 

Braided Puff Pastry picture - best Chicken and Leeks Braided Puff Pastry - How to Braid Puff Pastry

Brush with a mixture of beaten egg yolk and milk. 
Sprinkle with seeds and bake for 20 minutes. 
Serve warm or cold. Here it is! 

Braided Puff Pastry Recipe with pictures  - Chicken and Leeks Braided Puff Pastry - How to Braid Puff Pastry