For Tart Pastry

Icing Sugar 100g
Butter 200g
Refined Flour 300g
Peeled Lemon Zest 1 ½ tsp
Egg 1


Icing sugar, Butter, Lemon zest, Flour Mixed well without any Pressure.  Gently mixed it with your fingertip. Gradually add the  beaten egg beaten just until incorporated. Flatten the Pastry into a disk, cover with Lunch sheet , and refrigerator for 12 hours. Lightly butter and flour, or spray with a non stick flour cooking spray , an 8 – 9 inch (20-23 cm) tart pan with a removable bottom. Evenly pat the chilled pastry onto the bottom and up the sides of the pan. Cover with lunch sheet and place in the freezer for about 15 minutes.
Meanwhile  preheat oven to 170 co – 180co. and place the tart pan on a larger baking pan and bake crust for  5 minutes.

For Pastry Cream

Cream Cheese 500g
Sugar 150g
Eggs  4
Fresh Cream 125ml
Lemon Zest 2 tsps


In a bowl, mix the cream cheese and sugar together. Meanwhile you have to one by one add to the egg and beat well. After that add the Lemon zest and fresh cream and beat again. And then pour into the tart pastry and bake  150co -160co for 45 minutes.
Decorate with Cream and Strawberry and serve with chill.